Corban Wilkin

Primary Colouring
July 1, 2016, 09:00
Filed under: illustrations, politics | Tags: , , , , , , , ,


Just created this set of designs in the style of face cards from a deck of playing cards for T.J. Kirkpatrick‘s upcoming Primary Colors project.

T.J.’s photographed beautiful portraits of such significant political figures as Newt Gingrich and Christine Lagarde, but in this project he focuses on ordinary voters and the reasons they had for rallying behind their candidate, be it Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, or Trump, the eventual leaders in these races which, of course, has now been whittled down to just the big two.

But I don’t know, the way Gary Johnson’s polling right now, I may have to make a bonus card for him as the joker in the pack. Or maybe that card you get with the rules of poker on it.
